How communications support an ever more connected world

Thomas Coudry | Managing Director, Telecoms & Media
Telecommunication networks and technologies are at the heart of society’s digitization. In 2020, global capex expenditure in telecom networks amounted to USD 353bn. Computing power and AI is useless without the right networking technologies to deliver information in the most reliable and timely manner. Let’s not forget that 4G has been one of the pillars of the exceptional development of digital ecosystems over the past 10 years. We see 5G, fibre and new IoT technologies as key enablers for the rise of next-generation digital services, alongside edge computing. The bandwidth rush will still be intense, but low latency will be the new gold. While potential on the B2C side is difficult to assess, we see massive opportunities in B2B, fuelling acceleration in the development of smart cities and Industry 4.0.