Bryan Garnier is pleased to partner with Tech Tour at their flagship Growth Sustainability 2023 event held in Essen from 27-29 November. The event showcased 95 of Europe’s most promising companies specializing in climate and green technology solutions. These companies were carefully selected for their growth potential from a pool of over 1,000 applicants. Among them, 15 award winners were selected during the event for their innovation and cutting-edge solutions. 

The event featured 45 Program Winners from 7 specialized Tech Tour Programmes in sustainability, chosen by a panel of 400 investors from 250 presenting companies. An additional 50 Growth companies in the energy sector were selected by a panel of 70+ European investors from 150 applications. 

Germany led the way with 33 companies, followed by the Netherlands with 11, and both Norway and the UK contributing 7 each. Notable attendees included Falk Mueller-Veerse, Partner & Head of DACH at Bryan Garnier, and Jay Marathe, Managing Director within the Energy Transition & Sustainability Practice at Bryan Garnier, who were present and were part of the jury. 

Falk Mueller-Veerse, Partner & Head of DACH at Bryan, Garnier & Co comments: “This year, German companies have led the way with 33 companies out of the 95 selected from a pool of over 1000 applicants. Germany is home to innovative growth companies in climate and green technology solutions that are still flourishing in tumultuous times. Events such as the Tech Tour Growth Sustainability act as growth accelerators to these companies, exposing them to investors who might lead the next rounds of financing they need.”  

The event included 15 pitching sessions where Award Winners were selected by over 140 investors. Congratulations to the 15 Award Winners: Strohm, Asperitas, b.fab, BeFC, BuyCo, Dexter Energy Services, JUUNOO NV, Kelpi, Magment, Naco Technologies, NexWafe, renasys, Strohm, Unigy, Woon Duurzaam, and Yeastup. 

The Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023 was hosted by BRYCK and partnered with esteemed organizations, attracting 300+ participants from 24 countries. The success of the event lies in the interaction and collaboration between companies and investors, reinforcing its role in facilitating investment in technology companies. 

Tech Tour, known for connecting tech companies with investors, has facilitated over €20.7 billion in investments in the last 7.5 years. Missed this year’s event? Don’t miss out on the upcoming Tech Tour Growth50 Europe 2024 for another transformative experience! Find out more about the event on the Tech Tour website.

At Bryan, Garnier & Co, we are honoured to be a partner to Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023 edition and look forward to celebrating the success of Europe’s most promising tech companies. Learn more about the event on Tech Tour’s post.