3min Insights – Wandercraft

Welcome to “3-Minute Insights” a series showcasing innovative companies, products, and technologies shaping the future of key industries. 

In this episode, we sat down with Matthieu Masselin, CEO and Co-Founder of Wandercraft, a pioneer in walking robotics. Wandercraft has developed the world’s first self-stabilizing exoskeleton designed to empower individuals with walking impairments, enabling them to stand and walk again. 

Matthieu tells us about the transformative impact of AI on Wandercraft’s exoskeletons, taking their performance to a human-like level. The discussion spans market trends, current US regulations, and the anticipated timeline for exoskeletons entering broader settings. 

Wandercraft’s mission is clear — allowing individuals who were previously in wheelchairs to regain their mobility and be able to move freely, both at home and in their communities, maintaining their balance, hands-free, and safely. 

The company distinguishes itself through a unique blend of advanced technologies, including AI, algorithms, biomechanics, and clinical expertise. 

Following FDA approval of Atalante for stroke rehabilitation in December 2022, Wandercraft is set to expand its presence in the US, establishing a new base in New York. Notably, Atalante received EU approval in 2019 and has treated over 650 patients across more than 5,000 sessions.

In December 2023, during a keynote presentation in New York, Wandercraft unveiled its latest prototype of exoskeletons designed for home settings, elevating usability and autonomy to an unparalleled level. In the same month came the introduction of the French Ministry of Health directive DGOS/R4/2023/196, which states that all French departments are eligible for a minimum of two exoskeletons each for the rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders, a number which could be adjusted to take into account specific regional needs and the allocation of healthcare resources.

In 2021, Bryan Garnier & Co played a pivotal role as the Sole Financial Advisor in Wandercraft’s $45 million fundraising. The collaboration is hailed as a positive experience, with Bryan Garnier supporting Wandercraft’s long-term growth, mobilising our teams in Europe and the US. 

Bryan Garnier remains committed to supporting pioneers striving for a better future. Join us in this episode as we explore the exciting world of robotics with Matthieu Masselin, CEO of Wandercraft.