Bryan, Garnier & Co Limited

This website is issued by Bryan, Garnier & Co and has been approved for the purposes of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Market’s Act 2000 by Bryan, Garnier & Co Ltd., which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) number 178733, company registration number 03034095.

Acceptable use policy

This acceptable use policy sets out the terms between you and us under which you may access our website This acceptable use policy applies to all users of, and visitors to, our site.

Terms and conditions of use of our website

This page explains the terms of use upon which you may access our site and includes country of residence information. Learn more about the Terms and Conditions of the Bryan, Garnier & Co website.

Summary of investment research conflict management policy

Learn more about our Summary of Investment Research Conflict Managment Policy.

Summary of order execution policy

This page sets out the principles followed when executing orders to ensure that our clients obtain best execution.

Anti money laundering policy

The Financial Crime Handbook sets out the compliance procedures operated by Bryan, Garnier & Co. Learn more about our Anti-Money Laundering Policy.

Bribery and corruption

Bryan, Garnier & Co has produced its Policy and Procedures Manual based on guidance provided by the UK’s Bribery Act. Learn more about our Bribary and Corruption Policy.


On this page you will find all disclaimers relating to our investment research and publications.


On this page you will find all information about our MIFIDPRU 8 DISCLOSURE.

Privacy policy

As you would expect, at Bryan, Garnier & Co Limited we take the privacy and protection of client information very seriously. On May 25, 2018, enhanced legislation, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, came into effect.

About cookies

General information about cookies and how they are used.


The website has been designed in-house using Wordpress.