
Sword France assists blue-chip customers in their technological and digital transformation programmes and is positioned at the crossroads of technological and end-market related expertise. The service offering is supplemented by innovative in-house designed software products that bring added value to the core offer. Sword France employs c.600 employees and generates revenues over EUR 60m.

The management team has a proven track record of double-digit growth over the past 10 years. Argos Wityu aims to support the company in conducting an active buy-and-build strategy, both in France and internationally.

The objective of the transaction is to reinforce Sword France’s positioning as one of the leading specialists focusing on dynamic technology segments.


About Argos Wityu

Argos Wityu is an independent private-equity group with offices in Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Luxembourg, Milan and Paris. Since its creation in 1989, the group has invested in more than 75 mid-sized companies (enterprise value ranging from EUR 25M to EUR 200M). Its majority ownership investments range between EUR 10M and EUR 100M. With EUR 1Bn under management, the group has developed a unique investment strategy focusing on business transformation and growth, instead of financial leverage, and on bringing solutions to complex business and shareholding situations. Its entrepreneurial approach is characterized by a close relationship with management teams and strong support to help them implement their strategic plans.

Discover Argos Wityu

About Sword Group

After this disposal, Sword has 1,900+ IT/digital and software specialists present over 5 continents to accompany organizations in their growth in the digital age. As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has acquired a strong reputation in software publishing and in complex IT and business project management since 2000. Sword optimizes processes and enhances data.

Discover Sword Group SE

Olivier Garnier

Investment Banking

Olivier Garnier photo

Thibaut De Smedt

Investment Banking

Thibaut De Smedt photo

Stanislas de Gmeline

Investment Banking

Stanislas de Gmeline photo

Jonathan Foiret-Hurbin

Investment Banking

Jonathan Foiret-Hurbin photo

Deal Team

Should you want to know more about this transaction, you can contact one of the team members above

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